My Rediscovery of Biblical Healing Out of the Word of Faith Movement

I’ll never forget the phone call I received from a friend at church.  A week earlier, she had privately told me about a mass that doctors had discovered.  Considering me a “prayer warrior”, she asked me to pray for her healing.  I did not hesitate to pray a zealous prayer over her that day, asking … Continue reading My Rediscovery of Biblical Healing Out of the Word of Faith Movement

An Arminian Friendly Calvinism, (or Calvinist friendly Arminianism?)

For the past two thousand years, theologians of every pedigree have debated about the role of man and the role of God in the salvation process.  Is man a free agent who receives saving grace conditionally, or is God the free agent who grants saving grace to those He chooses unconditionally?  Did Jesus die for … Continue reading An Arminian Friendly Calvinism, (or Calvinist friendly Arminianism?)